A Mammie Ramble
I have stupid, random thoughts on occasion. When I start to tell Hubby more than 2 or 3 at a time, he gets a look on his face that says, “Oh no, not getting theoretical again, are you?”
So I’ll make ya’ll read them instead.
Pretty people – why are 90% of the people that are on TV gorgeous, when in real life it’s like maybe 26%?
And where’s all these obese people I keep hearing about? Are none of them actors?
On most of the new crime/drama/forensic science shows, most of the characters look like they are in their late 20’s. Would they even be out of school or have an ‘expert in their field’ rating? You never see any older people (over 40) with the exception of Mandy Patinkin on Criminal Minds; William Peterson on CSI and a few on the Law&Order's spinoffs.
Doesn't it look like that Dr. Phil has gotten new teeth?
In this day in age, with the exception of the WB channel and a few others, why are there no minorities in mainstream TV? Usually, there is the occasional ‘older’ woman. Very seldom is she in a sexy role.
All of the current TV drama shows plots that have been “ripped from the headlines’ - what a crock. I think the writers are just getting lazy. Sure, real life is probably way more interesting, but come on…change a few more details. Don’t plagiarize real life.
Why do hardly any of the soap actors ever have dull jobs? They are all doctors, nurses, policemen, CEO’s or lawyers. NO one works at regular places like JCPenneys, Walgreens, UPS or Taco Bell. And nobody ever does their laundry or dishes.
Who gives soap characters their names? In a few more years, no one will ask when our birthday is. Just as soon as they hear our name, they’ll know what year we were born and what soap operas our parents watched.
Are those new shoes, ‘Crocs’ really comfortable? They just don’t look like they are.
I don’t know why, but find short, confident men to be extremely sexy. Right now, I have the hots for Cesar Millan, The Dog Whisperer. Before him, it was Jeffery De Munn and François Truffaut.
For the record Hubby is the big, strappin' kind of guy. I find him sexy, too.
How hard is it to get on ABC's ExtremeHome Makeover show? How much do you think the show spends per episode? I wonder how many people can afford to pay for the stuff that comes along with these homes – property taxes, utility bills, landscape upkeep. Do they sell them and buy another home?
Why do some people have the crappiest handshake? Don't they ever read a how-to magazine? I wonder what they think when I shake hands with them. I don’t do it hard, but do try to make more than a 2-finger contact.
Why would anyone agree to meet someone they'd just met online who was claiming to be 13? With the intention of having sex? I guess they don’t watch NBC Investigations. Parents need to be so much more vigilant.
It's a good thing some of the perverted creeps are so dumb.
I’m getting sick of the way political ads are being run. It’s all about what their opponent did wrong. Evidently they did nothing worth bragging about.
Ok, enough for now...
The Princess went to the NASCAR race today. It’s her second time. Her dad took her. He’s also a big fan (along with the hunting thing). Her favorite driver is Dale Ernhart, Jr. So for the next few days, she’ll be telling the rest of the town about him - anybody who'll listen. The other half of town heard about it this time last year.
Tomorrow, it’s going to be all about laundry, dishes, folding clothes….yadda, yadda, yadda.
Oh, how I wish I had been domesticated.
Thanks so much for your prayers and thoughts, but please don’t forget Chelle, now. And please, any advice that will make this journey easier, please, please send it to me texasmammie@yahoo.com
I confess, I blatently stole this blog entry from Maria’s at Single Mom's Insanity and emailed to my friends. It is so appealing to me that I couldn’t help it. I hope you enjoy and that she doesn’t get mad. She seems like a nice person.
you find sudoku easy? i find it next to impossible. the beau has a mind like rainman, he looks at a sudoku, {write write write} there! all done. pthththt ;p
id rather sneak around in the shadows. :D
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